Dojo Kun

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World Sabaki Federation

Dojo Kun

The Kyokushin Karate Dojo Kun was written by Sosai Mas Oyama with the aid of Eiji Yoshikawa, author of the novel " Miyamoto Musashi", and is recited at the end of evey training session. Lined up in belt order and seated in seiza, students repeat each line as it is spoken by a senior member of the dojo.

  1. We will train our hearts and bodies, for a firm unshaken spirit.
  2. We will pursue the true meaning of the Martial Way, so that in time our senses may be alert.
  3. With true vigour, we will seek to cultivate a spirit of self-denial.
  4. We will observe the rules of courtesy, respect our superiors, and refrain from violence.
  5. We will follow our spiritual path, and never forget the true virtue of humility.
  6. We will look upwards to wisdom and strength, not seeking other desires.
  7. All our lives, through the discipline of Karate, we will seek to fulfill the true meaning of the Kyokushin Way.

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